''the House and Senate frequently pass different versions of the same bill''
Conference Committees are joint committees between members of the House of Representatives and Members of the Senate. The purpose of these workgroups is to resolve disagreements over Bills, as it is common for a Bill passed by the House of Representatives to be subject to amendments by the Senate. Conference Committees produce a "compromise bill" which both houses have to pass in order for it to go to the President.
Dato maharajalela merupakan pemimpin yang mengetuai perjuangan menentang British di Perak, Beliau merancang dan membuat pakatan untuk membunuh James Wheller woodfird Birch, Residen British Perak
To end World War 1, and to have Germany pay reparations for causing the war.
Virginia and North Carolina
1.New England had poor soil and a cold climate, but plenty of forests and fish. The Middle Colonies had fertile soil, a warmer climate, and rivers for trans- portation. The Southern Colonies had an even warmer climate and many waterways in the tidewater.
2. access to water, harbors, natural protection, arable land, natural resources and adequate growing season and rainfall. (That’s how geography influenced settlements)