They're involved in trades and alliance with them.
During the early period of their development, Ancient Empires in Southeast Asia and Korea were typically weaker compared to the empires in India and China. But since they're located far from one another, the empires In India and China can't really conquered them.
But they do established a good trade relationships that help Early South East Asian and Korean Kingdoms accumulate wealth. They sold various type of products such as silks, spices, timbers, etc.
B. mostly by barge along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
to pick fruit and other crops at starvation wages
The answer is A, because it is not in US Constitution
True (Southeast and south)
Where does the Rio Grande begin? </h2>
Hello, I am the Rio Grande River.
I begin in this mountainous valley in southern Colorado. These are my headwaters, formed from melting snow of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
I've been working on a project called the Rio Grande Gorge in Northern New Mexico for a few million years. Some people built a bridge across it. I can't say I'm really impressed. It won't stay there for very long. 100 or so years. I distinctly recall the time when this area was home to enormous sloths and mastodons.
River epoch.
Between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico, I serve as an international border.
I cross the American States of Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado while running. I share a border with Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tampalas in Mexico.
The ocean is not usually where I end up. Many people struggle for things like my water, high cost real estate in Taos, or agriculture in otherwise burned deserts.
2019 has been a good year, however, and I’m spilling over my banks in places.