To be uncomfortable with something?
The action takes place on Campden Hill in London in the early twentieth century. The main character and his neighbor both work in London's financial district, known as "the city."
The action takes place on Campden Hill in London in the early twentieth century. The main character and his neighbor both work in London's financial district, known as "the city."

This is Yeshi. He <u>is</u> from Tibet. Right now, he <u>is</u><u> </u><u>sitt</u><u>ing</u> in the river and <u>pouring</u> the water onto the bowl to clean it. The water <u>splashes</u> off the bowl into the air. Washing the dishes <u>is</u> Yeshi’s daily chore. Everyday after lunch, he <u>goes</u> to the river, and <u>wa</u><u>s</u><u>hes</u> the dishes. He <u>likes</u> doing this chore because water <u>is</u> cool and relaxing. Today, he <u>is wearing an</u> orange robe. He <u>isn't wearing</u> a hat because he <u>doesn't like</u> them. Yeshi <u>lives</u> near the river with his family.