The Conquistadors were carriers of — diseases. Because the source of the diseases could not be seen with the naked eyes, they were labelled Invisible Warrior.
The diseases included but were not limited to
Smallpox, measles, mumps, typhus etc. Because the Native Americans had never come in contact with these ailments before, they neither had the cure not the immunity against them.
The diseases ended up killing them by the hundreds of thousands.
C. to place limits on the power of the new federal government
Hi! I think this is C. The Anti-Federalists were really concerned that the federal government was going to get too powerful and abuse their rights just like the King had.
Manufacturers relied on immigrant women to work in their factories not only because these women were immigrants but also because there was a strong need for the women to support their families. Being in a new country with a lack of knowledge also played a role.
Other reasons why manufacturers relied on immigrant women was because it was important for women to have access to work quickly, the ability to work with other women and the workplace was where language was not a barrier.