In a Mid-Ocean Ridge we are not going to find Strong, deep earthquakes
A Mid-Ocean Ridge is produced by divergence between plates, what generates a rift zone with normal faults; this kind of faluts are the result of tensional stress, that makes blocks to fall. When blocks are falling, they can produce some shallow earthquakes.
As plates are separating, there is growing a space between them and this allows magma to arrive to the surface, creating fissure volcanoes that are being part of the new crust that is being created. When rocks get cold, their magnetic minerals get oriented to the magnetic north, for that reason, as magma (next rocks) is being desposited at both sides of the ridge, we can find symmetrical stripes of positive and negative magnetism parallel to the ridge.
When ridges break up because of stress differences in the different segmentes, transform boundaries appear to conect all the ridge. On transform boundaries the displacement is horizontal, for that reason the are perpendicular to the divergent boundaries.