When a leaf is placed in a solution whose salt concentration is higher than the salt concentration of the leaves, the water with in the leaves shall move out of the leaves due to the osmotic pressure gradient. This will cause the plant cell devoid of water thereby leading them to shrink and wilt.
La síntesis de proteínas se realiza en los ribosomas situados en el citoplasma celular. En el proceso de síntesis, los aminoácidos son transportados por ARN de transferencia correspondiente para cada aminoácido hasta el ARN mensajero donde se unen en la posición adecuada para formar las nuevas proteínas.
Carbon source.
The ocean is storing carbon, it is a carbon source.
It's storing the carbon until it's needed in the carbon cycle.
Neuroimaging or brain imaging is the use of various techniques to either directly or indirectly image the structure, function/pharmacology of the nervous system. It is a relatively new discipline within medicine, neuroscience, and psychology.
The researcher's claim is in the same way of the observation made because from it it is inferred that in a population of bacteria with genetic variation, in which some of them have plasmids and others do not, the population survives because those bacteria with plasmids are resistant to antibiotics, if for example there were only bacteria without plasmids all bacteria would die when using antibiotics so this is an example that genetic diversity is an evolutionary advantage