No the correct answer is C
None of these answers
Hindus are polytheistic (many God's) and pray in Temple's. They believe in Samsara which is the cycle of birth and rebirth. They also believe in Moksha which is liberation from Samsara. Hindus heavily believe in Karma and balance of good or bad actions. Hinduism practices the four Vedas (holy text). A few major gods/goddesses are Shiva the destroyer, Brahma the creator, and Vishnu the preserver.
Many people consider the Alabama state constitution to have had a shameful start because of the position it took when it came to racial issues.
The opening of the constitution stated that its objective was to establish "white supremacy" in the state, within the limits of the federal constitution. It also defended the removal of voting rights of African Americans and poor whites. Therefore, it attempted to benefit only a few people, those with the most power and privilege in society.
I agree that this is a shameful start. Even though much of the hateful and racist parts of the constitution have been removed, the establishment of such laws most likely left a negative impact on the society of the state. It also halted the state's progress by affecting the public school system and the social mobility of many people.