We know this by dating the structures, evidence of life there long before anywhere else and by the Bible. You can also look into other sources of history too. There is a ton of info on Egypt provided by scrolls a old writing on stone tablets.
Farm prices rised
because garmer planted the same thing over and over a gain which dried out soil so they were lucky to get healthy crops
The land was rugged containing Andes mountains, the coastline deserts, and the Amazon jungle. They eventually found solutions for their geographic problems. I hope this helps :)
The first difference is that industrialization in the United States ocurred much earlier than in Japan, China, and Russia. The U.S. began to industrialize in the mid nineteenth century, while Japan industrialized in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Russia industrialized in the early and mid twentieth century, and China industrialized in the mid and late twentieth century.
Another difference is that the United States industrialized under a market economy system, with low taxation, albeit, high tariffs. This is similar to the model that Japan used to industrialize.
Russia and China did something different. Russia, when it was part of the Soviet Union, industrialized under a planned socialist economy, where the government controlled all enterprises.
China used a mixed strategy, in which state control and economic planning was combined with private investment in some sectors, and in specific geographic locations.