Las funciones digestivas de la saliva incluyen humedecer los alimentos y ayudar a crear un bolo alimenticio, para que se pueda tragar fácilmente. La saliva contiene la enzima amilasa que descompone algunos almidones en maltosa y dextrina. Por lo tanto, la digestión de los alimentos ocurre dentro de la boca, incluso antes de que los alimentos lleguen al estómago.
something that you invent?
Example of genetic drift
a population of rabbits with alleles B and b, both alleles are present in equal frequencies p = 0.5 and q = 0.5 if 10 parents reproduce the probability of having an offspring with alleles B or b is 0.5; however, by chance, a slight difference in the offspring allele frequency might occur due ...
The oral mucosa is the mucous membrane lining the inside of the mouth and consists of stratified squamous epithelium termed oral epithelium and an underlying connective tissue termed lamina propria
They would be "<span>informed" So, an informed patient. I hope that helped! :) </span>