He didn't care much about imposed gender roles. He was open minded and only wanted for Scout to be happy and to be a good person. He didn't mind if she behaved like boys did as long as she grew up to be a good person who helps others and is compassionate. This is opposed to the beliefs of her Aunt which believes that Scout should not behave as she is behaving and that she should wear dresses and learn manners like a lady and be more lady-like, as she describes it. Atticus doesn't care about things like this and cares about Scout's upbringing as a person more.
Toleration is the recognition of the rights of an individual to his or her own opinions and customs
By selling land given to them to build the railroad
The government gave the railroad companies large amounts of land to sell both so that the railroad companies earn some money and so they can speed up the settling of the frontier.
The chief executive officers of the Roman Republic were the consuls and praetors. Two consuls were chosen annually and they administered the government and led the Roman army into battle.
On 366 BC, a new office was created , that of the praetor. The praetor could govern Rome when the consuls were away from the city and could also lead armies. The praetor's primary function however was the execution of justice. He was in charge of the civil law as it applied to Roman citizens.
Jefferson, Madison and other opponents feared the treaty gave too many concessions to the British. They argued that Jay's negotiations actually weakened American trade rights and complained that it committed the U.S. to paying pre-revolutionary debts to English merchants.