B. He greatly improved existing steam engines for use in factories.
James Watt made important changes to the design of the steam engine, which increased efficiency and made steam engines cheaper to run.
If the Constitution had not been ratified the United States would not be the way it is now. Our rights that we have today are protected by the Constitution and if it had not been ratified we could not have been guaranteed the life that we have now (which most people around the globe wish to have.) The Constitution is a major part of U.S history and if it were not ratified the history of this country would have changed completely. Congress would have been working for the governments best interest and not the citizens' best interest. I also think that if the Constitution was never ratified, the U.S would have split into two separate nations- North and South. The North would have continued in the industry world while the South would have chosen the world of agriculture.
<span>Low wages for workers and high profits for business owners</span>
Charlemagne or Charles the Great, numbered Charles I, was King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774, and Emperor of the Romans from 800. During the Early Middle Ages, he united the majority of western and central Europe.