Let n be the total number of puffs. Now we can write:

Adding the fractional value of n, we get:

Simplifying and rearranging gives us:

Therefore we can simplify to get:

and finally

The fraction of the puff that are tuna is found from:
200 visitors went to screen 1.
125 visitors went to screen 2.
175 visitors went to screen 3.
Step-by-step explanation:
We will find number of visitors who went to screen 1 by finding 40% of 500 as we are told that 40% of 500 visitors went to screen 1.
Therefore, 200 visitors went to screen 1.
Now we will find number of visitors who went to screen 2. We are told that 25% of 500 visitors went to screen 2.

Therefore, 125 visitors went to screen 2.
Now we will find the number of visitors who went to screen 3 by subtracting combined number of visitors who went to screen 1 and screen 2 from total number of visitors.

Therefore, 175 visitors went to screen 3.
k(x) = -40
i(x) = -15
n(x) = 71
d(x) = 17
Step-by-step explanation:
This is exactly the same deal as the most recent question you asked.
"Evaluate each function for x = 8". In other words, this is saying, calculate the result for each function, replace x with 8. So, that means for every function, you are going to replace x with 8.
k(x) = -5x turns into k(x) = -5(8)
Then you just solve, -5(8) = -40
Since I have answered this question similarly, I ask that you go back to the answer and detailed explanation I gave you earlier.