B. Most people lives in rural areas and worked on farms because this wasn’t accurate at the time and churches,knights, and peasants.
Because there was no actual violence occurring. The problem was that the Berlin Wall was up, so the U.S teamed up with Britain and France to fight a “war” by delivering supplies by air dropping it over the wall. So while they were fighting with the gov. In some type of way. There was no real violence going on.
The nuremberg laws were anti-Jew laws, so if you were Jewish, you either would have to change your religion, or you would be punsished. It would not really affect you if you are not jewish.
They're just going to take a "shower"
By measuring the distance of the sun and stars above the horizon, the astrolabe helped determine latitude, an important tool in navigation. Another tool, the magnetic compass, which had been invented in the twelfth century, was improved upon during the Renaissance.