It was A. Bartering. Coins weren't existent that far back, international trade didn't exist because no one knew about the continents to the west, and it definitly wasn't free trade. Nothing was ever free.
national vote happens last
primaries, conventions, debates, national vote
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) was an independent government agency in the United States that emerged in 1932 during the presidency of Herbert C. Hoover. Its task was the financial support of banks and other private companies during the Great Depression.
The RFC distributed approximately $2 billion to states and local governments, while providing loans to banks, railway companies, real estate farm corporations, and various businesses. The loans were almost all repaid.
The agency continued during Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and played a major role in the end of the Great Depression, and in the implementation of aid programs introduced during the New Deal.
The agency was abolished by the Reorganization Plan on June 30, 1957.
African nations' raw materials and workforce served as fuel to imperialist countries. It helped them attain richness and development they have today. This situation did not help African nations but only made their country stagnant. The Africans spent their hundreds of years to servitude to make imperialists prosper.