Religious freedom. they were mostly europian
Basically the Catholic Church viewed the earth as the center of the universe and that God created the universe to serve people. But during the scientific revolution people such as Nicolause Copernicus, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei challenged the Churches views with their theories.
Hope this helps
isaac newton found out how gravity works.
galileo found out how stars moved and mapped them
copernicus found that the sun was centered in our solar system
In current political-science and international-relations theory, a rentier state is a state which derives all or a substantial portion of its national revenues from the rent paid by foreign individuals, concerns or governments.Rentier state theories have now become a dominant frame of reference for studies of resource-dependent countries in the Gulf and wider Middle East and North African region,but are also used to analyse other forms of rentierismConsequently, in these resource-rich rentier states there is a challenge to developing civil society and democratization. Hence, theorists such as Beblawi conclude that the nature of rentier states provides a particular explanation for the presence of authoritarian regimes in such resource rich states
<span>This is a trial court of limited jurisdiction. The court has a specialization in a certain type of trial (in this case, small claims for financial damages against the defendant[s]). The court also typically has limits upon the authority or sanctions that they can levy, whether it is incarceration or financial penalties, against the defendant.</span>