The elements that make "Hunters in the snow" a serious story are: The focus on the psychological construction of each character, the construction of masculinity through external influences, the neglect of serious things.
"Hunters in the snow" presents a serious narrative, without the exploitation of comical and innocent jokes. The author explores the psycho-psychological and emotional construction of the characters, in relation to a myth of masculinity created by external sources of society, but which shapes the personality and character of these men, making them neglect each other, in addition to neglecting serious issues. like fatal wounds and health.
cause someone or something to be distracted or diverted from.
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Human beings' relationship to time is one of similarity, limits and inevitability. The human life is one with four stages: birth/childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age/death. Similarly, time has four stages over the course of one year: spring, summer, fall and winter.
the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
a figure intended to represent an abstract quality.
a person, animal, or object regarded as representing or embodying a quality, concept, or thing.