People usually prefer saving their time by buying at a place where they can find all the necessity products, they pay a few cents more for a single product just because they don't have to visit another store in order to buy the remaining goods.
Sometimes we pay a few cents extra for a product as compared to the same product available somewhere else at a cheaper price because a great variety of product is available.
People usually prefer saving their time by buying at a place where they can find all the necessity products, they pay a few cents more for a single product just because they don't have to visit another store in order to buy the remaining goods.
As robotics quickly advance, scientists say the lines between robots and humans is beginning to blur.
That means one day with robotic prosthetics that work seamlessly with a human's muscles, with tiny robots that swim in our blood streams and fix medical problems and nano-scale robots implanted in our brains, we will become robotic humans.
As scary and sci-fi as that may sound, researchers say robotics will cure diseases, make amputees feel whole again and greatly extend our lives
Answer: A. The inability of a plant asset to meet its demands.
When something is said to be inadequate, it means that it is not in enough quantity or rather lacks the capacity to perform the tasks that it is needed for.
The same goes when this is being spoken in relation to an asset. A plant asset that is inadequate is unable to meet the demands that it was acquired for.
100,000x5%= 5000
5000x4 years= 20,000x5%= 1000
5000x5=25,000x5%= 1250
1250+ 1000= 2250
R= 1750
5000-2250-1000= 1750
I might be wrong
The term spillover refers to a market exchange that affects a third party who is outside or external to the exchange