A adaptation is the action or process of adapting or being adapted
is mostly when a animal is adapted to something.
The difference between them are:
The humoral system of immunity is also called the antibody-mediated system because of its use of specific immune-system structures called antibodies. The first stage in the humoral pathway of immunity is the ingestion (phagocytosis) of foreign matter by special blood cells called macrophages. The macrophages digest the infectious agent and then display some of its components on their surfaces. Cells called helper-T cells recognize this presentation, activate their immune response, and multiply rapidly. While,
The cell-mediated immune response involves cytotoxic T-cells, or killer-T cells. Body cells that have been infected by foreign matter often present components of that material on their surfaces. Killer-T cells recognize these displays and respond by ingesting or otherwise destroying the infected cell. Killer-T cells are also important in the body's defenses against parasites, fungi, protozoans, and other larger cells that might have found their way into the body. The killer-T cells recognize these large invaders by their foreign proteins and then destroy them.
This is the required answer.
D. Eukaryotic cells It happens in both plant and animal cells
Vitamin B12 deficiencies can lead to megaloblastic anemia, a condition where the bone marrow produces large abnormally shaped red blood cells that do not function properly. Dementia, paranoia, depression, and behavioral changes can result from a vitamin B12 deficiency. Neurological damage sometimes cannot be reversed