Bush wanted to keep diplomatic ties in place with China.
Bush wanted to avoid another dispute with a global superpower
European nations wanted to control lands that had raw materials for industry and manufacturing.
In the wake of the industrial revolution, the international order changed. Nations needed raw materials and markets, and they needed to secure them before other nations did. That also shaped the form of imperialism used in the 1800s. Before, the European countries tried to settle in the conquered territories and work the land. But in 1800, nations established outposts and an extractive economy that sought to obtain the raw materials as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Nations also needed to control markets for their goods, which led to wars against large Empires like China, which was a huge potential market. The British set an example for other Nations by imposing trade treaties with the use of warships.
Archaeology is a subfield of anthropology, which is the study of human culture. It offers a unique perspective on human history and culture that has contributed to our understanding of the ancient and recent past. It is the only field of study that covers all times periods and all geographic regions inhabited by humans; unlike history, which relies primarily upon written records and documents to interpret great lives and events.
<em>Prehistoric archaeology</em> focuses on past cultures that did not have written language and therefore relies primarily on excavation or data recovery to reveal cultural evidence. An archaeological site is any place where physical remains of past human activities exist. Even the smallest archaeological site may contain a wealth of important information.
prosper enough to benefit england.