Malaria is caused by a parasite.
the money multiplier = 1/ reserve ratio in this case, the reserve ratio is 10% (required) + 10% (voluntary) = 20%, so the money multiplier = 1/20% = 5 %
What is the immediate impact of this transaction on the money supply? None, since the money supply doesn't change. When a customer deposits money in a bank, the money does not increase, only its composition changes. The maximum amount by which this bank will increase its loans from the transaction in part (a) • the bank will be able to loan = total deposit x (1 - reserve ratio) = $9,000
x (1 - 20%) = $7,200
The maximum increase in the money supply that will be generated from the transaction in part
• since the banks started to "create" money by lending the money, the money supply will increase by total deposit x ( money multiplier - 1) = $9,000 x 4 = $36,000 Assume that the government increases spending by $9,000, which is financed by a sale of bonds to the central bank. Indicate what will happen to the money supply.
• The money supply will increase.
Explain what will happen to the money demand. • The money demand will also increase because aggregate demand and income will increase. Aggregate demand will increase by $9,000 x government multiplier. The government multiplier = 1/ MPS.
Sumerians buildings were more like artificial hills and the art work was mainly about exploring and supporting the relationships between people and the gods