In the implementation of queue by using linked chain the performance of the enqueue operation is O(1).We have to maintain two pointers one head and the other tailand for enqueue operation we have to insert element to the next of the tail and then make that element tail.Which takes O(1) time.
Never heard of that kind of software, but I think it's an old file.
<h2>password method</h2>
Rootkit virus is one type of virus which is hidden about its existence and tries to affect the maximum number of system.
Password method: This is a graphical method to identify the text hidden in the signature and confirming that it is not a robot or any other system to protect the system from hacking. This would be really hard-to-read and thus ensures safety.
Antivirus software: This is a system to protect the system, when the virus tries to attack the system. An indication will be given through the software to the user.
Answer: Sorry to break this to you but you can't.