from random import seed, choices
from statistics import mean
number = int(input("Enter integer number: "))
if number > 0:
data = range(number+1)
# to generate a pseudo-random number list.
# you can also use: num_list = [random.randint(0, number+1) for i in data]
num_list = choices(data, k=len(data))
mean_val = round(mean(num_list), 2)
min_val = min(num_list)
max_val = max(num_list)
except ValueError:
print("Must be an integer value.")
print('Avg number: {}\nMax number: {}\nMin number: {}'.format(mean_val, max_val, min_val))
To generate random items in a list of integers, the random choices method is used and a sequence is passed as an argument. The average, maximum, and minimum number of the list is calculated and displayed.
secondary memory is usually used as mass storage.
Option (A) Photographs, which cannot be legally copied is the right answer.
Let us understand what fair use means. Fair use are the copyrighted information which is not allowed to copy unless a permission is obtained from the owner. But those can be commented and even criticized. But stealing of information or plagiarism should not be done for copyrighted material.
Commenting or quoting about a book published or recently released movie and music, copying or sharing of information from a news article by a teacher for the student in class, etc serves as an example.
to format a cell based on the value in it
you would use conditional formatting on a cell when you want to format a cell based on the value in it.
Reason -
Conditional formatting allows you to format a cell based on the value in it.
For example, if you want to highlight all the cells where the value is less than 30 with a red color, you can do that with conditional formatting.
- How would you highlight cells with negative values in it?
You can use conditional formatting.