Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865
The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States fought between states supporting the federal union and southern states that voted to secede and form the Confederate States of America
Germany printed more money than was currently circulating causing mass inflation devaluing the value of german marks.
"As the people of Rome used up firewood, and grains became scarcer due to a rising population, it was the human-environment interaction which led to the political and military decisions to conquer other lands. The location of Rome on the Tiber River is an example of human-environment interaction".
(credits to mvorganizing)
Initial trail from any court either customary or magistrate Court perculiar to the state or community; if the verdict is unsatisfactory to both the defendant or plaintiff, the High Court is sought if the judgement is unsatisfactory to both parties; an Appeal Court is sought if the judgement is unsatisfactory then the Supreme Court is Sought.
The idea is that a Higher court in Authority has the ability to repeal any given judgement by her current judgement.
Yes because they all tried to solve issues with war, economics, and society. The "New Deal" from FDR, the "New Frontier" by JFK, and the "Great Society" by LBJ.