The "Information Revolution" can absolutely be considered a true revolution. This is because the information revolution brought a radical change in regards to American society.
In just the last 20 years, the way Americans have been able to communicate and receive news has changed dramatically. The development of the internet and its ability to share information with millions of individuals simultaneously has changed the world forever. Before the invention of the internet, people were limited to information from TV, books, newspapers, etc. Now, citizens have access to more information than any other time in human history. Instead of seeking out books in libraries or newspapers, citizens rely on social media and websites that have everything they want to know.
It's too short.write at D..
Sumerian priests and kings helped one another stay in power. The kings respected the priests' rights and powers. The priests declared that the gods had chosen the king to rule. Together, kings and priests created religious ceremonies that supported royal power.
This plan is known as the Open Door Policy.
This idea was introduced by Secretary of State John Hays in 1899. The goal of this plan was to ensure that all nations had the ability to trade with China. Even though this plan referred to the ability of all nations to trade with China, the real reason behind its development was the fear of the US government being blocked out of trading with China by European countries.