These engines were very useful to move machinery in mills, factories, pumping stations and transportationapplications. In the field of transport,steam engines were often used inlocomotives, ships and other land vehicles. Steam machines were of great importance in their application in the field of agriculture.
Hitler's power was not checked when the US entered the war. The war with the US was between them and Japan. The USSR did join sides with the allies when Germany broke an treaty. However, the US did win the war between Japan.
The United States first began developing nuclear weapons in 1939, during World War II, under the order of President Franklin Roosevelt. Motivation was the fear that US was engaged in a race with Nazi Germany to develop nuclear weapon. This project is best known as Manhattan Project.
B. Natives
The Treaty of Alliance with France was signed on February 6, 1778, creating a military alliance between the United States and France against Great Britain.