It would be "(D) the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building," that is not associated with Al Qaeda, since this was an act of "domestic terrorism," that was carried out by a Christian white male.
Edgar Degas. This is one of his paintings.
The answer is true. This because the colonies wanted to separate to become independent.
To exercise freedom of their Christian faith.
England was one of the major Europeans that seek to colonize the New World otherwise known as America. Others include Spain, France, and the Netherlands.
However, originally the purpose of each of the European settlers was different. England or English people on one hand was initially seeking "to exercise freedom of their Christian faith."
This led to two groups coming from England known as Puritans and Pilgrims that settle down in North America.
The Maya civilization occupied a wide territory that included southeastern Mexico and northern Central America. This area included the entire Yucatán Peninsula and all of the territory now incorporated into the modern countries of Guatemala and Belize, as well as the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador.