We need to find the number of completed free throws out of total free throws
Since he completed 83.5% of them, you find 83.5% of 8772
83.5% can be rewritten as 0.835
We don't round up because it isn't 1 complete free throw. 0.62 is not 1 complete free throw so round down
Debt Ratio = Total Debt Total/ Assets
Equity Multiplier = Assets/Equity
Lots of Debt</h2>
Debt Ratio
= 32.5/34.25
= 0.95
Equity Multiplier
= 34.25/2
= 17.13
Lots of Equity </h2>
Debt Ratio
= 2/34.25
= 0.06
Equity Multiplier
= 34.25/32.25
= 1.06
Substancial performance is a terminology used in contract law. It actually means the degree of performance of a contract work which is not completely or fully finished,but is so nearly equivalent that it would be unfair to deny the contractor the payment agreed upon in the contract. The owner has a right to recover whatever damages he has incurred by reason of the contractor's failure to render full and complete performance.
Building Restoration must have at least substantially performed the it's side of a bargain before they can call on the CasualDining,Inc to perform the their side of the bargain e.g. by paying an agreed amount. What actually constitute substantial performance depends on the circumstances.
Suppose that you deposit $4,500 in your bank and the required reserve ratio is 18 percent. The maximum loan your bank can make as a direct result of your deposit is 3690.
What exactly is a bank loan and the required reserve ratio?</h3>
- A loan is a quantity of money that one or more people or businesses obtain from banks or other financial organizations in order to handle their finances in connection with anticipated or unforeseen circumstances.
- By doing this, the borrower creates a debt that must be repaid with interest within a predetermined time frame.
- The percentage of deposits that authorities mandate a bank maintain in reserves and refrain from lending out is known as the required reserve ratio.
- If the required reserve ratio is 1 to 10, a bank can only lend out $0.90 of every dollar it has on deposit, but it must retain $0.10 in reserves.
Hence, The maximum loan your bank can make as a direct result of your deposit is 3690.
To learn more about the loan, refer to the following link: