Medico: Hola, que sudede con usted esta tarde?
Paciente: Me duele la gargante y tambien tengo calentura.
Medico: ¿Cuántos dias tiene con estos sintomas?
Paciente: Bueno, ya llevo 3 dias sintiendome mal.
Medico: Le voy a prescribir unos antibioticos que le ayudaran a sentirse mejor.
Paciente: Gracias doctor.
Picaron is the correct answer!
There are many ways to do it:
1. The taste of cucumbers is pleasing to me.
2. I find cucumbers delicious.
3. I eat cucumbers a lot, because it is good.
The subject of gustar is the thing that pleases and the (indirect) object is the person who is pleased. A commonly used method is to think of gustar as literally meaning to be pleasing to. Me gusta la canción. ― I like the song. (literally, “The song is pleasing to me.”)
( Sorry if my answer isn't good, I didn't understand the question entirely)
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