The United States Civil Rights Act of 1964, named in English Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Congressional Law 88-352, 78 United States Statutes at Large 241, enacted on July 2, 1964) is a historic civil and labor law for that country, which was a key piece to prohibit racial discrimination and racial segregation. The Law established a series of mandatory rules for voter registration in the states of the Union, in order to guarantee the right to vote of all citizens and avoid the arbitrariness that in some southern states were used to prevent the vote of The African American population. It also established mandatory rules throughout the country, so that no owner of public access establishments or services (parks, theaters, restaurants, public transport, stadiums, hotels, etc.) could discriminate against people or segregate them on the grounds of "race, color, religion or national origin ", considering that such actions constituted a criminal offense. In education, the law established a procedure to" desegregate "public education and ensure that ethnic differences do not affect equal educational opportunities.1 In labor matters, the law established that it would be considered "illegal employment", any hiring, dismissal or treatment in employment, which implies a discrimination based on "race, color, religion, sex, or national origin" (years later it would be added age over 40 years), establishing a summary procedure to punish the offense and restore the affected worker in the position of work from which he was excluded. Finally, the law created the Commission for Equal Employment Opportunities (EEOC).
El cristianismo influyó directamente en la cultura de Occidente, a tal punto de que es el cristianismo en sus diversas corrientes la principal religión en América y Europa.
El cristianismo, de esta manera, ha influido en la conformación de las primeras sociedades occidentales, moldeando su cultura y su organización legal, política y social. Así, los primeros reyes de las distintas monarquías europeas basaban su poder en la voluntad de Dios, en lo que se conocía como "derecho divino de los reyes". Incluso, el poder religioso en la Edad Media se encontraba a la misma altura que el poder político, siendo artífice de numerosas decisiones trascendentales para las distintas naciones.
Hoy en día esta influencia ha disminuido notablemente. Sin embargo, podemos identificar que las leyes que rigen la vida en sociedad tienen basamento en los 10 mandamientos de la Biblia cristiana. Así, por ejemplo, el delito de homicidio encuentra su correlato en el "no matarás"; el delito de robo o hurto en el "no robarás", etc. En definitiva, la moral cristiana ha moldeado las distintas leyes occidentales de forma clara y notoria, influyendo hoy en día en la regulación de las conductas sociales.
In a direct democracy, all citizens meet together and make decisions via a vote. In a representative democracy, citizens elect leaders who make decisions on their behalf. A republic who is ruled by a official is a form of democracy.
The correct answer is - c: military men prepared to survive in the wilderness.
The first settlers in Jamestown were all men, young and middle aged. They were all tough men, and had more or less some military experience. So it was expected that they can survive in the New World without any significant problems, but it is not how things evolved. The settlers just weren't able to adapt to the new environment, diseases were very common and lots of them died, they were not familiar with the local plants, nor were very knowledgeable of the weather, so for most of the time they were starving. The only reason why the colony didn't failed very quickly were actually the natives that were helping the new settlers and were providing enough food for them so that they can survive.