Barack Obama defines the American dream as the idea that anyone who lives in the United States can achieve success, through hard work, determination, and rise from the very beginning, regardless of his/her origin, race, financial situation, etc.
Obama's figure is the best example of his vision of the American dream, as he came from a humble family and became the first Afro-American president of the USA.
He highlights the opportunity, considering that all citizens should have equal rights and be able to get rich and successful. The most important thing is to give an opportunity to everybody.
To achieve the American dream society should create equal opportunities for everyone, people should open to each other and appreciate cooperative efforts rather than individual efforts.
Coal spontaneously combusted
There are many theories for the cause of the United States the USS Maine explosion with Us men aboard where many died. According to the United States Naval Investigative team team their research concerning this incident , they came to a conclusion that the explosion was caused by fire that had ignited the ammunition stock. According to these investigators there was a strong evidence that the explosion of Maine was caused by an internal coal fire which ignited the magazines. This was a likely cause of the explosion, rather than the initial hypothesis of a mine
O. Robert La Follette.
Robert Marion La Follette was the 20th Governor of Wisconsin, active in office from 1901 to 1906. He then became a member of the US Senate and became a huge critic for the administrative policies of the US, both domestic and foreign.
While in office as the Governor, Follette helped set up direct primaries in the United States, implementing primary elections. He also supported the policy of tax reforms on corporations, the growth of trade unions, and even helped create referendum ideas, initiatives, and recall.
Civilization in each region developed advance math,science, and engineering.