Take a few minutes to write a journal entry about the unspoken laws, rules, and codes that you have in your life. What "rules" d
etermine how your friends interact? Are there any "laws" that you have within your family? Pick one of these rules and write a quick story related to it. Your response should be at least 150 words in length.
My family has many unspoken laws, things you should kind of just know. Being honest is one example but there are many others to follow. Be kind, means to share and love everyone no matter what. Judgement should be kept at its lowest. Understanding of what the other persons situation is.
Jamey is in the third grade, her bestfriend bella is in the fourth grade. Jamey is upset with bella because she has so much homework. Bella tries really hard to explain to jamey that she cant come over. Jamey is not being very understanding of bellas situation.
Satrapi have said so many things regarding the disparity or the differences between the classes before and after the Iranian Revolution. Some of the parents were not allowing their sons or even maybe their daughter to come and attend the demonstration when Shah was taking control of everything.