I choice letter d. Friendship may first develop from sharing interests and having adventures, but profound relationship are built on trust, honesty, and support. Because every relationship start from friends to higher relationship like best friends but before that you need to know your people around you. So you need to know them by trusting them and to be honest to others to avoid misunderstanding to them. HONESTY is the best policy in terms of any kind of relationship then followed by SUPPORT. Everyone will support your plan or decision making specially it tackles about your personal lives.They will help you no matter what happen because best friends long last or their is forever in friendships.
B) Unferth's need to be the most famous soldier in the Kingdom.
Whenever I Have Been Warned About What Will Happen In The Future.
Atlas was a giant who was forced to carry the Earth and the heavens on his back. An atlas is a book or collection of maps. Many atlases also contain facts and history about certain places.