Because factories and farms were producing more than what people couyld get, there was no need for many workers at the time. They would be laid off as a result. Prices for farm products also fell, as a result, farmers could not pay off bank loans and many lost their farms due to foreclosure.
A. Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar
Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar who lived around 600 B.C was the King who initiated the idea of providing incentive to laborers. An incentive is something that is given to motivate a person to do something or to become more productive at what he does.
Back then, laborers who wove clothes wear rewarded with food. Those who produced more clothes were rewarded with more food. This served as an incentive to the workers to work harder if they were to receive more rewards.
A progressive social reformer and activist, Jane Addams was on the frontline of the settlement house movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She later became internationally respected for the peace activism that ultimately won her a Nobel Peace Prize in 1931, the first American woman to receive this honor.
the old world influenced the new world to change more