Oc. he was convicted of writing an article about a ship owner who transported slaves to America as being a murder
Susan B. Anthony was never married, and devoted her life to the cause of women's equality. She once said she wished “to live another century and see the fruition of all the work for women.” When she died on March 13, 1906 at the age of 86 from heart failure and pneumonia, women still did not have the right to vote. (February 15, 1820 March 13, 1906) was an American social reformer and. The women's movement was loosely structured at that time, with few state organizations and no national organization other The funding Train had arranged for the newspaper, however, was less than Anthony had expected. Anthony founded the National Women's Suffrage Association in 1869 with fellow women's suffrage activist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She drafted the first version of the 19th Amendment in 1878. Just before she retired in 1900, Anthony was asked if women would be given the right to vote in her lifetime. Hope That Helps!
About 1902 prisoners worked in the southern industry in year 1886.
After the civil war, the slavery was ended in the society but the prisoners were used for different industries such as coal extraction, planting and harvesting of crops etc. In the southern parts of united states of america, the population of prisoners increases very fast. The population is increase about 10 times in the last 30 years of 19th century from 1870 to 1913. The southern states earn a lot of money from this convict leasing.
Cartoon shows Soviet leader Joseph Stalin gazing with clenched fists at the word "Preparedness," written in the sky by an airplane labeled "U.S. Industries." Probably refers to the Soviet reaction as the United States took positive steps in the late 1940s and 1950s to build a military and economic counterforce to the perceived Communist threat.
Cartoon shows a puzzled Soviet leader Joseph Stalin dressed as Santa Claus with a long white beard, carrying a pistol and a rifle, as well as a knife stuck in the top of his boot. Suggests the skepticism of the West at the protestations of peace coming from the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Cartoon shows Soviet leader Stalin calling out in outrage to Yugoslav leader Marshal Tito (shown as a small boy in a sailor suit), who is looking over a high fence at distant fireworks spelling out: "Independence Day July 4th." Reflects the news of the Soviet-Yugoslav crisis that erupted when the Soviet Union accused the Yugoslavs of failure to follow the party line. Expresses the hope that this may cause Yugoslavia to begin to show more interest the West.
Cartoon shows a line of wooden cutouts representing Poland, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Hungary. Soviet leader Stalin, seated behind them with a speaking tube, makes them appear to say, "No co-operation for us." Suggests that it was Russian pressure that made the Eastern European nations decline in July 1947 to participate in the Marshall Plan.
Cartoon shows the hand of Soviet leader Stalin pressing a stop button labeled "Korea." Next to this button are other stop buttons labeled "Indochina," "Iran," "Yugoslavia," and "Germany." In 1952 and 1953, the Soviet Union had apparently used its influence to persuade Communist China and North Korea to agree to an armistice to end the Korean War. Taking the view that the Soviet Union was responsible for many of the Cold War tensions, the cartoonist suggests that Stalin could take steps to end the conflicts in other areas of the world if he wished.
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