obesity and poor nutrition is something a singular person can be in control of, while diseases can run through a family
Split-brain patients have had surgery to cut the corpus callosum. Such a phenomenon was studied and monitored by two neuroscientists Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga. After hard operation, patients felt quite good although the expectations weren't that good. Patients could perform all the activities they did before surgery, that was very surprising and innovational. But after several experiments, doctors discovered side effects and got back to study this process.
A. Set a deadline for completion.
Every goal should have a target date so that you have something to aim toward and a deadline to focus on. This portion of the SMART goal criterion keeps your daily duties from taking precedence over your long-term objectives.
Society provides funding for scientific research.
Because goods don't matter. It doesn't make you happy. And when you die, you don't get take your riches with you to the grave! And it sure doesn't make you superior to anyone, just because your rich! Your just the same as everybody else!