The sparrows have lost their chance to ever fully learn their song
sparrows that don't learn their song during the critical period have lost their chance to ever fully learn their song.
One genetic factor that can influence your personality is aptitude
Answer:a. shows low resistance to extinction; shows high resistance to extinction
According to psychology, extinction occurs when a conditioned response is slowly eliminated or weakned which over time will result to that behavior being extinct. This means a conditioned behavior is completely eliminated
An example is when you whistle to a dog all the time to come and get food and the dog starts to drool all time at the thought of whistling associated with food , if you gradually start to whistle without carrying the food with you the dog will stop salivating or drooling.
In classical conditioning, when a conditioned stimulus is provided without an unconditioned stimulus the conditioned response eventually get extinct.
Jeremy is not resistant towards getting rid of the gambling behaviour because when he start gambling and is no longer getting paid off he immediately stops so when an unconditioned stimulus is taken away , he stops gambling and if this keeps happening gradually his behavior of gambling will be extinct.
Jessica on the other side continues even when the unconditioned stimulus (being paid off )is taken away she still continues to gamble so she is resistance towards stoping her gambling behavior.
a baseball tradition
Functionalist theorists are individuals who adopt the functionalist view to explain things around them. This view makes these theorists see the interactions of our world in a systematic way, where several factors come together, each with its function generating a stable, cohesive and efficient system. According to this point of view, a functionalist theorist would justify the baseball pitcher's incentive to "brush back" a batter who homerated on his previous bat as a baseball tradition.
With new technology like the internet communication has become faster, easier, and more efficient because of advances in technology. Cell phones, social networking websites, e-mail, and instant messaging are examples of technology which enable communication.