A-They make it seem as if time within the story has slowed down.
As the years pass the banker comes more and more to regret ever having made the bet with the lawyer.
And now the banker, walking to and fro, remembered all this, and asked himself: "What was the object of that bet? What is the good of that man's losing fifteen...
- Human right Violations create unequality within south African society, which create white race supremacy within the community
- It created a huge loss of opportunity for some people of the community
- They have no power to speak their mind, since the government always denied their opinion, which make them all an obedient mindless citizen
- They have to suffer through physical abuse
- They have to suffer through emotional abuse ( like their family being tortured in front of their eyes)
- They do not value human lives as highly as normal people in the world do
The entire story is a dream sequence after the main characters eat some berries if I’m not mistaken. The play happening in the summer months make the storyline a complete midsummer nights dream
1. what's hidden in the dark will come to the light
(he tries to cover up the death, but due to his guilt he reveals he commited a m!urder)
2. Underneath perfection hides an imperfection
(he committed the m!urder so perfectly but his own mind messed up the perfect plan leading him to unveil the heart )