Answer: The main themes of the play are: fate and free will with the inevitability of oracular predictions is a theme that often occurs in Greek tragedies the conflict between the individual and the state similar to that in Sophocles’ “Antigone” and people’s willingness to ignore painful truths both Oedipus and Jocasta clutch at unlikely details in order to avoiding facing up to the inceasingly apparent truth and sight and blindness the irony that the blind seer Tiresius can actually “see” more clearly than the supposedly clear-eyed Oedipus, who is in reality blind to the truth about his origins and his inadvertent crimes.
Explanation: Hope this helps
<span>1 archaic : happy, pleased
2 archaic : inclined, desirous
3 a : willing
he was very fain, for the young widow was “altogether fair and lovely … ” — Amy Kelly
b : being obliged or constrained : compelled
Great Britain was fain to devote its whole energy … to the business of slaying and being slain — G. M. Trevelyan</span>
Answer: Everyone who works there is friendly?
1) slow down your pace.
2) slow down!
3) please slow down.
4) please slow down your pace.
There are quite a few ways to make this an imperative sentence.
By the way, you don't have to add "please" at the beginning, it just softens the sentence a little (it sounds less commanding)