Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Muhammad's hegira from Mecca marks the beginning of a new polity. For the first time in Arabia members of a community were bound together not by the traditional ties of clan and tribe but by their shared belief in the one true God. Later believers, looking back on this event, recognized its seminal importance by designating it as the first year of their new era. In further recognition of this great event, the oasis of Yathrib came to be called Medina, "the city [of the Prophet]."
Contextualization is a type of historical thinking skill. This is when you connect historical events to specific circumstances of time and place. An example would be if you were reading a book during the time
of women’s rights, you would keep feminist perspectives in mind.
Hernan Cortes aided the Aztec
D. the Union honoring tribal treaties signed with the Confederacy
In The tribal treaties, the confederacy promised to not disturbed the Native's land in exchange for their help during the Civil War.
After the civil war ended, the Union decided no to honor these treaties and forced a lot of tribes to migrated out of their ancestral land.
The union wanted to used the land to provide enough space for railroads development. They wanted a fast method of distribution to deliver products from southern states to mid-norther states.