Http:// The British-Zulu War begins as British troops under Lieutenant General Frederic Augustus invade Zululand from the southern African republic of Natal. In 1843, Britain succeeded the Boers as the rulers of Natal, which controlled Zululand, the neighboring kingdom of the Zulu people. Boers, also known as Afrikaners, were the descendants of the original Dutch settlers who came to South Africa in the 17th century. Zulus, a migrant people from the north, also came to southern Africa during the 17th century, settling around the Tugela River region.
Party affiliation makes people vote on party lines.
Abraham and Moses are central prophets in all three religions.
It was "Alexander I" who was the Russian Tsar who refused to surrender to Napoleon in 1812, even after Moscow had been captured and burned, since he suspected (correctly) that Napoleon's army would not be able to endure.