For the first question I think it's C - The mRNA was not bound by a ribosome. I'm not 100% sure sorry if I'm wrong. I tried my best to figure it out.
For question two I think it's C- Replication replacing an amino group. I'm not 100% sure sorry if I'm wrong. I tired my best to figure it out.
Fungi organisims are complete eukaurions, either it is plury or unicelular, it will allways have a definited nucleus, Golgi apparatus, reticulum, vesicles, and other. Generally, they have mitochondrions as machinary to get ATP; but some lesser, and specific fungis like thoses in the order Microsporidian, lost them through evolution.
Either way, a fungi does not have chloroplast, being an chemeotroffic organism, it have to adquire carbon and nitrogen sources from others.
They provide biomedical and genomic information.