Answer:There were three types of British colonies: royal, proprietary, and self-governing. Each type had its own characteristics. Royal colonies were owned by the king. from the British government.
hope this helps:)
1. Life term
2. separation of powers
3. legislative branch
4. criminal
5. the jury
4 years are Senators
2 years are House of Representatives
Judicial review reviews to see if it is unconstitutional
Execututive branch enforces the law
Legislative makes the law
civil court is mostly settling disputes between parties
The Warren Court typically made decisions that bolstered the privileges of needy individuals, minorities, or other burdened gatherings. Both Kennedy and Johnson attempted to enhance life in the United States by diminishing neediness and advancing sexual orientation and racial correspondence. The Warren Court bolstered and mirrored these strategies by including similar gatherings, settling on the court choices and the social arrangements cooperate.
OR 3, CA, 5, MO 4, TN 2, ID 3, NV 5, NY 1, TX 6, OH 2, NE 4, NC 1
Students from many different Sowetan schools began to protest in the streets of Soweto as a response to the introduction of Afrikaans