Forlorn most nearly means: dilapidated. Which might suggest that something is not very cheerful and happy.
Hope this helps
"Why, when you're fifteen things won't look at all the way they did when you were ten."
This line shows that Alec thinks Milo's perspective will change as he grows up.
After passing her driving test, Lisa felt a sense of <u><em>lightness</em></u>.
Please <em><u>light</u></em> the candles on the birthday cake.
Patrick did not take the test <em><u>lightly</u></em> and studied intensely.
The words "light", "lightly" and "lightness" all signify a different aspect. "Light" is a verb while "lightly" is an adverb and "lightness" is a noun. And so, their uses are also all different, depending on the sentence structure.
In the first sentence, Lisa felt a sense of "lightness" after she passed her driving test. This means that she felt relieved.
The second sentence uses "light", asking someone to "light" the candle. This means that the candle must be made to burn.
The third sentence talks about Patrick not taking his test "lightly" which means that he is serious about it.
Here's some examples, you can switch it up or around to how you see fit
She was rather envious, while her sister was warmhearted.
One of the sisters was envious and cold, and (or while) the other was warmhearted and kind.
Her sister was envious, but she was warmhearted.