Are there any options for this? The answer should be "events that have not occurred" hope that helps
Ida B. Wells began her crusade to stop the lynching and by courageously reporting the vicious violence against African Americans.
She was also known for her fight against segregation and for women's suffrage.
- Her contribution to the quest for justice, especially during the time of 1892, in those days she could have lost her life.
- She was honored with a Pulitzer Price in 2020.
- I wish she could have been here to receive it. She was a hero.
It was the main cause as all great European powers wanted to spread their imperialistic and colonial power.
After Italy and Germany were unified European political scene was totally different. Old powers felt threatened by the rise of these countries, while on the other side, Germany and Italy, together with Austria-Hungary wanted to strengthen their role.
After the Berlin Conference it was obvious that France and Britain had dominance in the colonies, therefore the so-called Central Powers wanted to rearrange this.
Entente powers didn't wanted to change their stance and it was just a question of time when the world will begin.
What war? Need to know what war or else there are thousands of answers.