During the gap between DNA synthesis and mitosis, the cell will continue to grow and produce new proteins. At the end of this gap is another control checkpoint (G2 Checkpoint) to determine if the cell can now proceed to enter M (mitosis) and divide.
The pancreatic juice is secreted by the pancreas. This pancreatic juice is secreted into the first part of the small intestine known as the duodenum. This pancreatic juice is rich in various enzymes that help in the digestion of various food components (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins). Besides being rich in enzymes, it is also rich in bicarbonate content. The bicarbonate works to neutralize the acidic chyme. This helps the enzymes to function and carry out digestion properly. If the pancreas fails to produce bicarbonate, then the function of enzymes will be altered, and the acidic chyme (coming from the stomach) will damage the small intestine walls.
There are 3 fitness principles: overload, progression and specificity.
According the principle of overload in order to improve, athletes must continually work harder as they their bodies adjust to existing workouts. This <span>is the basic sports fitness training concept.</span>
In the 3-week workout routine that incorporates the fitness principle of overload several things must be satisfied:loads should be gradually and progressively increased , the training loads should be planed and monitored, the workout routine should include workouts that allow recovery (stretching for example), competition should be involved, and very important muscular failure should be avoided.