Michael Dell identified that computers would become commodities and with that, they would be padronized and plain, because the most important would be the price and the delivery. What Dell did was start selling computers directly to consumers, cutting out the middleman. That way he could assemble the computer himself, offering a customized and cheaper product to his clients. His strategy worked and his company became the fastedt-growing enterprise in the country.
The Byzantine theme of the Holy ratification of Church and State was evident during the mosaic program in the Apse of San Vitale and the presence of Christ and Justinian serves as the support of this theme during this mosaic program.
The most important outcome of the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1821 was Florida was acquired by the United States. The treaty was considered as a victory for North America. Florida had already become an emerging problem for Spain by then.
False because Albert Einstein was not very involved with this