Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse after Lee recognized the futility of continued fighting.
The Battle of Appomattox Court House was fought on April 9, 1865, between Union Army forces commanded by general Ulysses S. Grant and Confederate forces led by general Robert E. Lee.
Lee abandoned Richmond, Virginia (the Confederate capital) and moved west, hoping to regroup with other remanining Confederate units in North Carolina. However, Union forces pursued the Lee army and engaged it at Appomattox Court House. Lee charged the Union lines but, as he broke their line, he saw that further Union forces vastly outnumbering the Confederate army were advancing to join the battle. <u>Upon realizing the futility of his situation</u>, general Lee famously declared: "There is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths".
Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant that same day, which eventually led to a domino effect with other Confederate armies surrendering shortly after. The Civil War formally ended on May 9, 1865.
George McClellan was the general fired by Abraham Lincoln on November 2,1861
after his death, churchill was replaced by Chamberlain as prime minister
The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg.
The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg allowed new ideas to spread more quickly around Europe. The discovery of America by Columbus meant that new foods and medicines were brought back from the New World.