<span>Use a possessive adjective in French to say that these things are our things.
14. Voila mon père
15. Voila mes parents
16. Voila notre père
Use a possessive adjective in French to say that these things are your (plural) things.
17. Voila nos mères
18. Voila vos frères
Use a possessive adjective in French to say that these things are their things.
19. Voila leur père.
20. Voila leurs tantes </span>
Your mom sums up what she needs to make dinner tonight. Complete what it says with the appropriate article.
Okay, for the soup, I need a (some / some) potatoes, b (some / some) salt and some c (some / some) ham.
So, for the ratatouille, I need a (of / one /) zucchini, b (of / the) garlic and c (a / of / the) onion.
Finally, for the pie, I need a (some) sugar, b (some) cream and c (some) strawberries.
9. Qu'est-ce qui lui fait peur?
<span>Ce sont les insectes qui lui font peur.
10.</span>Où est-ce qu'ils vont aller l'année prochaine?
L'année prochaine ils vont aller Amérique du Sud.
11.Est-ce que son cousin aimera la forêt tropicale?
Non, son cousin n'aimera pas la forêt tropicale.