There was a brown colored rose pup like a frown of my face. One had a touch of fur like wire, that statclly I froze. What was that felting feeling that felt so dreaming though brittle seeming?. That glorious one sunday morning 2 pups were looking meretorious. Today was June, oh yes it felt like a cocoon! It was dredingly hot like the triples of the sun crying onto my face. I was 10 oh if all the keningly feeling! how woulf I know to take care of a dog like these? They were like little ladies, mutts. o'gradys!
Thier breed was undefinable but you could see that theyll turn so green! They were going to be big. Oh i do want a fig! I needed to have these adorable little pups! my heart was flourishing they looked nourishingly I complained to papa! He told me they were mine the pups looked fine! He told me out side they must sleep forthere I understood deeply. Days, weeks, moneths, on end we played never thinking it would ever end. It was never ending love! I learned to love and care, where the air lefted me with happines.. Me, my pups, and I played and played and played, the pups looked at me with jade blue twinkling eyes, we loved each other! Ontill misery and illness took carlie away. She was lucky to have lived for weeks. I loved her whispered to her, oh I would miss her wired coted fur. We loved her until it was over. oh it drove me to souro pain. Life wasnt the same. Who would’ve thought such a short time together could’ve left such broken souls. Times are better but will never be the same
To Carlie I love you
To Carlie I pray. To I have blessed her soul. "Goodbye Carlie" tears ran over my cheeks, and I was happy i saw her for the last time.