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Little Rock nine were an important part of the fight for equality in education.
The three things learnt about the "Little Rock Nine", the African American students, are:-
1. They fought for equal opportunity in education by enrolling themselves in the all-white central high school, after the Supreme had declared that it was unconstitutional to segregate public schools on the basis on color.
2. They continued to face physical and verbal attacks all during their studies in the school.
3. Later they were protected by the federal troops sent on orders by the President Dwight D. Eisenhower to protect them.
Hello. You forgot to say that this question is about "Mississippi Solo."
The author often uses the pronoun "I". In addition, he uses words that refer to his life in the past, where he reflects on things that happened.
A memoir is one in which a narrator tells things about his own past, showing experiences he has had throughout his life.
We can see that the lines shown above are a memoir, because the narrator uses the pronoun "I" several times, showing that he is talking about something that happened to him. In addition, the presence of verbs in the draw frame reinforces the idea that he is telling things that have already happened. He is writing what is in his memory, being then, a memoir.
Emerson evokes the existence of God to prove our divinity. The second paragraph of the essay introduces the idea. He states that we each get our "plot of land" and must till it if we are to grow anything to feed ourselves. This is to say that you can't be anyone else, you only get to live and grow as you, and that is an intentional deed by God, and thus you are the result of a divine act, and divine in yourself. Therefore we should trust this divinity and let our own hearts guide us, rather than the pressures and expectations of others. We must be divine.
It's an incredible essay and definitely worth a close reading.
Two dead bodies, one of which belonged to Buck who was very kind to Huck.